HBI-BHR Co-enrollment

Study Description

The BHR is partnering with Dr. Cassandra Szoeke at the University of Melbourne to invite participants of Australia’s Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) to co-enroll in the BHR. HBI-BHR co-enrolled participants are invited to take the online Australian Brain Health Registry questionnaires and complete cognitive testing on an annual basis. They will also have the opportunity to identify and invite a study partner to join the BHR’s Caregiver and Study Partner Portal (CASPP).

Study Goal / Impact

The Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) is aimed at addressing key gaps in our understanding of how modifiable risk factors, such as lifestyle, clinical, and socioeconomic factors, affect brain health at different stages over the lifespan of the Australian population.

Research scientists at the University of Melbourne are seeking to expand their Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) to include an online measure of cognition. The Brain Health Registry (BHR) will provide the online platform to collect supplemental data from Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) participants, including online cognitive testing and other data collection.

The goal of this co-enrollment is to link study data collected by both research studies to create a more enriched dataset for analysis, papers and presentations. This data could help enhance brain health research on a global level and potentially allow for cross-cultural comparisons.

Study Institution

University of Melbourne